I seldom update my blog because I was busy with my assignments and coursework..

I was back to Penang at previous saturday, I thought I can go back at 5pm with him... But due to some of them wanted to visit Utar and the lake. So around 730pm only i start driving back from Kampar. along the highway I was so nervous, because I was alone although they are around me but different cars. Luckily he keep his distance, not staying too far with me.. I was quite happy actually. especially night time when i asked him whether to come MCD with me and Ms.Je...
I don't know whether I m too sensitive or hyper-thinking, but somehow i feel he quite care about my things. 

Sunday I was going Gurney with Ms. Je and we had our lunch over Nandos, hmm... not really nice but still 100% better than kampar's food. I thought I won't see him that day. However, things surprise me at night time. When I was about to sleep, a call shock me up and I was quite dizzy that time, he asked me for supper... That's could count as the 1st time I sit on car that he drive. Very very very.... scary.... LOL! however, I feel happy bout that since I don't have to drive=)

Actually I feel that the words like " non of my business", "who cares"...etc, these words i didn't heard from him anymore. I m happy bout that too, but...
I wonder do he likes me? or just because he know that I like him so treat me better so that he won't hurt me? Hmm, I really don't know...

However, I know that I had hurt someone else there... Sry, I couldn't accept you since the one that I wish to be was someone else... I feel it's not fair if i accept u as my bf.... Cause I love him very much... But I didn't look forward to be with him any further, like now is enough for me. I don't wish and I cant accept it if he leave me or stay away from me... Please... Don't leave me